Fall 1909 News from Muscogee
The Pensacola
Busy Times At
Muscogee - Saturday Morning, October 9, 1909
Acre. New Dry Kilns Being Erected.
Muscogee, October 6 - The stock farm known as Magnolia farm,
belonging to the Southern States Lumber Company, is now busy making
preparations for grinding cane.
They expect to make about ten thousand gallons of syrup this
fall. The cane this year was not as good a crop as they expected, but they made
a very fine crop of corn. The prize acre of corn yielded one hundred and ten
bushels. Morgan Bros. of Pensacola were visitors to the farm Saturday for the
purpose of buying stock.
Men are now busy working on the two new dry kilns and the
stock sheds near Mill No. 4. They expect to have them completed by November 1.
The kilns are built of brick with tile roofing, thus making them fire-proof.
The Muscogee school opened Friday, October 1. The teachers
for the present year are Miss Eva C. Vaughn, Miss Alice Henderson, Miss Cora
Coley, and Miss Jean Paterson. One hundred and eleven children were present.
Sunday, September 26, was Rally Day in the Muscogee Sunday
School. A large number of pupils were present. Mr. Cottrell, the photographer
from Pensacola, was out and took a number of views of the Sunday School. For
the past two years the Muscogee Sunday School has been in a very flourishing
condition, and it is now larger than ever before. Much of its success is due to
the ability, faithfulness, and untiring efforts of its superintendent, W.C.
Lott. Superintendent Lott took the school in charge two or three years ago and
since that time has made rapid progress, and done much good work. Last Sunday
the school was presented with eight large flags in red and white, a flag for
each class. Besides these flags, two other flags were presented, one for
attendance and one for collection. These two flags are to be given at the end
of each quarter to the class which had the best attendance and collection for
that quarter.
Misses Vera and Erma McDavid, of Pensacola , are visiting at
the home of Mrs. Alex McKinnon.
Miss Mary Lewis of Perdido, AL, who has been visiting this summer
at the home of her sister, Mrs. E .M.
Price , returned to her home Saturday. Mr. Lewis, Mrs. Price’s father, is now visiting her.
Moore of Pensacola has accepted a position in the Muscogee store. His friends here are glad to know that he has
returned to Muscogee.
Mrs. Ollie Mullins and little son returned home Wednesday
from a visit to her mother in Pensacola.
Lyman Nellums was a visitor to Pensacola Saturday.
Miss Alice Henderson of Lancester, KY returned to Muscogee
Wednesday. Her many friends are glad to welcome her back again. Miss Henderson:
who has been spending her vacation in Kentucky and Virginia, holds a position
here in the Muscogee school .
Rev. Mr. Abbott, of Cottage Hill, conducted services here
Sunday. This was the last Sunday of Mr.. Abbott’s year here . At a meeting of
the members of the Baptist church, which was held after services Sunday, Mr.
Abbott was recalled for another year by the Muscogee Baptist Church. We are
glad to know that he is to be with us again.
Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Bonifay spent Sunday at Roberts.
Steve Lee of Pensacola was a visitor to Muscogee Monday.
Mrs. Richard Mosley and little daughter, Gladys, returned
Saturday from a very pleasant visit to relatives in Alabama.
Miss Sophia Lang, who has been on the sick list for the past
week, is able to be out again.
Miss Mabel Merritt has returned to Beulah to resume her
duties as assistant teacher in the Beulah School. She will be missed very much in Muscogee. Her friends here are all
glad to know that she will be able to spend Saturdays and Sundays in Muscogee.
Charlie Seals of Samson was a visitor to Muscogee Saturday,
the guest of his daughter, Mrs. George Lewis.
J.R. Henderson, Jim Dickson, and F.M. Henderson spent
Tuesday and Wednesday on a fishing trip on the Escambia River.
(Transcribed from microfilm at University of West FL Library
29 October 2001)
Judith Richbourg Jolly
Pensacola, FL