It’s been 45 years but I
went down to the bay side of the National Live Oaks Reserve to see if the old
yellow bluff where we used to go to party and look for Indian pottery was still
intact. Here are a few shots we took
while we were there on the 4th of July.
Jennie and Guy down on the beach at
the foot of the bluff. There were still
a few casualties of Ivan lying
across the beach and
bleached silver by the sun and salt.
woods lizard camouflaged against a piece of driftwood in the heat.
kid, Guy, and me near the top of the bluff in the shade of some magnolias.
Jennie and me on the
edge of the bluff about 40 feet above the beach.
and Guy sitting on a dwarf live oak just down from the top.
bluff drops sharply away just behind them.
Wish I had taken more photos but we were on our way to the Fort
Pickens area and, later, dinner at Hemingway’s and the fireworks on the beach.
Dang, it’s been a long time between visits.