Annual Spring Luncheon

On May 17th 2010, we held our Spring Luncheon and Sale at the South Santa Rosa Recreation Center.  We covered the room with tables full of many beautiful needlework books and projects for sale. It is always fun to find a treasure, especially a book or chart we have been looking for.




The picture above is just one small area of the meeting room where we had our sale tables.  The tables were all the way around the room.




After browsing the sale tables and purchasing way more than we can stitch, we stopped briefly for lunch, only to browse the sale tables again after lunch.  We all went home happy!



On August 23rd, 2010, we had our Fall luncheon at Hall’s Seafood Restaurant.  The fall luncheon is the “kick-off” for deciding what classes we want to take during the coming year.  To see what we will be stitching in our guild – check out our “Classes” page.  Below we are enjoying our luncheon at Hall’s Restaurant.